| > | Here take a look at this: http://tv.adobe.com/#vi+f15629v1001
| >
| >
| > thanks, yes - 3D rendering.
| >
| >
| > not impressed.
| >
| >
| > Interpolating images for viewing *while I'm editing* is the silliest
| > ever. and moves the software along with the modern video cards further
| > from being graphics editing cards than ever before
| >
| >
| > There's a reason image editing programs other than Adobe zoomed by
| > it was to avoid interpolating.
| There are somethings I like about CS4 and some I have to still get
| familiar with. I am using the Standard version,
| I don't need or use the 3D or video stuff.
| Overall It works pretty well for me. I am using it on a PowerBook Pro
| 17 2.93G with the dual switchable option NVIDIA GeForce 9400M and 9600M
it sounds like something you can't avoid, unless you manually zoom by a
factor of 4, everything else is interpolated - as to whether the
interpolation extends further than this I don't know. Can it be turned
f? - the whole using the GPU aspect that is.
The powerbook uses a current MAc OS? Something i've been keen to find out
but have not yet got a definative answer on is, can the Quartz engine be
turned off? that too uses 3D rendering to render 2D, again hiding image
faults like jaggies, banding, moire and the like..
For a 2D imaging program the last thing I'd want is the OS or the graphics
program trying to make my inages look better than they are. I would need to
see every fault, every glaw so I could fix them..
A scenario: I had some serious banding and moire issues in an image sent to
me which the creator assured me was perfect. he was not seeing the moire or
banding in his browser or in any other program he used on his mac. Didnt
matter how bad the pic was, he was sure the fault lay at my end..
not a problem I figure, if he wants to tell the rest of the world his image
is fine when it's clearly not, good luck to him. I just felt it a shame he
was blindly adopting 'pro' tools without being logical or critical in his
Personally I think MS, Apple and Adobe have abandoned those striving for
image quality and instead trying to make everything they handle look better
to the user in the hope they'll enjoy the *experience* more
..kinda like, make it easy for everyone to get rooly good images then
they'll buy our software..
but then again, how many folks are running real 2D cards like Matrox's